Alvah Davis

Co-Founder, Head of Americas & Artificial Intelligence

If there is one word to explain who Alvah is, it will be the word “accomplished”.

He has over 30 years of experience in the world of consulting, specializing in data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. At Aegis, Alvah advises corporate clients, technologists and startups in the application of these techniques to financial crime, customer management, compliance and internal process.

Alvah started his career as a Member of Technical Staff at Verizon Laboratories in Boston. There, he was awarded the corporation’s highest award for technical achievement twice, in May 1992 and January 1994. He is also a co-inventor on two US patents for systems for an entity and subscriber authentication, awarded in January 1996 and January 2002.

Following 12 years at Verizon, he moved to Iridium LLC to serve as a director. It was at Iridium that he met Peter Coleman and co-founded Aegis International Consulting, now celebrating 20 years of creating innovative, collaborative solutions.

Academically, Alvah earned a B.A. with honours in English and History at Duke University, and an M.S. in Computer and Information Science, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence, at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Peter Coleman
Director & Founder
Gavin McIntyre
Director & Partner
Diana Chen
Associate Director
Henry Trisnadi
Associate Director
Roger Tan
Senior Consultant
Michael Lew
Cyber & Data Security Specialist
Raj Nair
Restructuring Adviser
Muchamad Iqbal
Forensic Associate
Jihan Angrila
Forensic Associate
“Our mission is to protect your reputation and achieve the highest levels of integrity at every step of the process”
PETER COLEMAN - Director & Founder